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 About Us

PersonalLogs founders

Personal was founded in 2004 by two long time runners, Mike and Debbie, to produce personalized running log books. Mike has run in over 30 marathons including Boston and New York (his first marathon event). He is also author of the book Forty plus Thirty - a guide to living a healthy lifestyle.


New Products:

We have since expanded our original running log book format to include logbooks for cycling, fitness, hiking, triathlon training, walking and boating.


We are continually improving our products and welcome your suggestions about our log books. Please email us at:

info @  (Note: this link is not clickable to avoid spam)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Our Privacy Policy:

Your privacy is important to us. Personal will never divulge your email address to another party. Information we may collect to fill your order (name & address), and your digital cover photos are kept confidential, and are used only for purposes of producing and shipping our products to you.

We use a secure credit card payments company for processing customer orders, so your credit card information is kept confidential.

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